Friday, September 12, 2008

Memories of Grandma

Grandma was the center of many family get togethers, that we all miss. She loved the song, "Somewhere My Love", which she loved to have me play on the piano. Craig Hinton

Grandma always kissed us on our forehead. In her later years, she didn't keep much food around because Sue and Clayton pretty much provided her meals. But she would always offer us whatever she had...usually saltine crackers. They always tasted great, though. Jamie Kittrell

There are some things that happen to you in life that you just can't erase from memory. The following is a priceless experience between Grandma and me which I would love to forget. The moment of terror took place at Grandma's house. There was a house full of people at Uncle Clayton and Aunt Sue's house. Grandma was next door visiting and her house was quiet so I took advantage of the unoccupied bathroom. Unbeknown to me at the time, Grandma had an urgent need to use her bathroom. I suspect the urgency became more extreme as she got closer to the bathroom because she was at a dead run when the door burst open. Her momentum carried her inside the bathroom. My memory is a little vague at this point, but it seemed like we were both screaming although it could be conjectured as some expletive dialog and I believe I shouted, "I am done!" I think she said, "I'll go next door". (I wonder to this day if she really made it.) This embarrasing moment along with the excruciating expression on Grandma's face, as I'm sure I had the same expression, will be with me forever. Dennis Stirling

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